Thank You Terry & Gary!

Gary - Donna - Terry

Gary Hoehne, KB9AIT, and Terry Schilling, N9AOT, were recognized at the March General Membership meeting for their phenomenal support of the Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club. 2019 Ham Of The Year Donna Mendyke, KC9THF, presented plaques expressing our gratitude for Gary and Terry's support, both in their activity and continued stewardship. We wouldn't be the same club without you guys. Again, thank you.

Posted By WI9MMM read more

Ham Exams, March 27, 2021


The FCARC is holding ham exams March 27, 2021 at Maplewood Middle School in Menasha.

Because of the still active Covid-19 virus we will continue with our practice of maintaining safe distancing and we'll only test a few people at a time. There may be fewer Volunteer Examiners than what would be needed to conduct the exams efficiently so wait times could be long. We asked that you pre-register for this session. Walk ins will be allowed but those that pre-register will be tested first. Please read the following carefully:

Posted By Anonymous (not verified) read more

Ham of the Year


Please join me in congratulating Mike Moore - WI9MMM as the Ham of the Year for 2020. Ham of the Year is chosen by all previous HOTY's and symbolizes an amateur giving it all for the club and for the hobby. Ham of the Year is presented each year in February at the annual Awards Banquet. Well deserved Mike!


Bernie - N9YMC

Posted By N9YMC read more

Monthly 6m net


A couple days ago, I had a chance to check into the monthly 6m net. I encourage each and every member (and non-members) reading this to check in to this net, if you have the equipment for the magic band. While the net allows for some rag chewing, it does follow a script and has a monthly topic of discussion. I've learned so much this week, between our monthly general membership meeting and the 6m net. While many of us have fears and even some deep rooted fears, I learned that people have fears of heights, being left in the dark, loosing a lottery ticket (that was me) and even fear of fish.

Posted By N9YMC read more

Al Sens - N9QLP (SK)


A long time club member, Al - N9QLP has passed and is now a Silent Key. Al had struggled in life with a couple issues, however these last 10 years was always on the other end and would strike up a QSO when he heard your call. For many years Al would take a table at the hamfest and sell some radios and antennas - he always had a fair deal. Al will be missed.

73 my friend,


Posted By N9YMC read more

Reminder: New License Requirements


The FCC now requires a FCC Registration Number on the license application. A SSN is no longer accepted. FRN's are free and can be obtained from the FCC website at

An email address is now required as well. Applications will not be processed without one.

Posted By Anonymous (not verified) read more

FCARC Ham Exams - January 30, 2021


The FCARC is holding ham exams January 30, 2021 at Maplewood Middle School in Menasha.

Because of the still very active Covid-19 virus we will continue with our practice of maintaining safe distancing and we'll only test a few people at a time. There may be fewer Volunteer Examiners than what would be needed to conduct the exams efficiently so wait times could be long. We asked that you pre-register for this session. Walk ins will be allowed but those that pre-register will be tested first.

Please read the following carefully:

Posted By Anonymous (not verified) read more

1X2 calls becoming available


These two K9 calls are available in January:
K9XZ Jan 11th
K9MP Jan 23rd

from Eric K9GY/4 via SMC

Posted By W1QC read more

Other nets in the area?


Does the club know of other nets in the area? I've run into a couple on 2m but didn't right them down. It would be good to have a list of nets from GB to FdL , Lake Michigan to points west.

Posted By W1GCS read more

Other nets in the area?


I know there are other nets in the area for other clubs. I don't know what frequency and when they meet. Does anyone have a list? If so, please post here. Thanks!

Posted By W1GCS read more


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