Field Day Winners


Congratulations to the winners of the ARRL gift certificates.
$25 winner - Rudy Reynebeau, KD9RPW
$25 winner - Shaun O'Bre, KD9RQB
$50 winner - Laurel Eihusen, KD9AJT
Thank you, Tony Mach, AB9IO, for the Hamfest that got us these. :-)

Posted By WI9MMM read more


Tomorrow is Amazon Prime Day.

Please remember to start all of your shopping with the website Bookmark it to make things easier.

FCARC will get .5% of your spending.

So far, FCARC has received over $500 in donations from Amazon.

Posted By KC9THF read more

145.330 and 443.650 repeaters are back on!


Our 145.330 and 443.650 repeaters are back on the air at their new home in Neenah. We still have a few little things to work on with them but they are back!

Posted By AJ9L read more

A Farewell to Zoom


The FCARC General Membership Meeting will return to it original, in-person form on Monday, June 21st, 2021.
Thank you, Zoom. You served us well but your time is done. You may stand down.

I want to extend a serious THANK YOU to Donna, Andy and Joel for their extraordinary efforts to give us this option during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are grateful.

For those attending the General Membership Meeting, Maplewood Middle School asks that we follow current CDC guidance on masks.

Posted By WI9MMM read more

Thank You, Terry and Bernie


On behalf of the FCARC, I want to say thank you to Terry Schilling, N9AOT, for his eight years of service as club secretary. I would also like to say thank you to Bernie Hengels, N9YMC, for his four years of service as club president. Both of these gentlemen put their heart into making our club a warm and welcoming place where the new ham and the seasoned ham are treated as equals.

Posted By WI9MMM read more

Ham Exams, June 5, 2021


The FCARC is holding ham exams Saturday, June 5, 2021 at Maplewood Middle School in Menasha.

Because of the still active Covid-19 virus we will continue with our practice of maintaining safe distancing and we'll only test a few people at a time. We asked that you pre-register for this session. Walk ins will be allowed but those that pre-register will be tested first. Please read the following carefully:

Pre-registration is preferred. Walk ins will be tested after.

Posted By Anonymous (not verified) read more

RF Exposure Calculations


Here is a webpage where you can calculate RF exposure levels to comply with the updated FCC requirement.

(from the Nutnet, 3985KHz, 0815CT, M-S)

Posted By W1QC read more

443.650 Repeater


The 443.650MHz repeater and '760's downtown receiver will be taken off-air today so Appleton Housing Association can replace the Oneida Heights roof.

The roof work is expected to start in the next 3-4 weeks.

The repeater committee is discussing options; more to follow.

Posted By AJ9L read more



If you received a message that you've been added to the roster, it is a real email not a hoax. I was trying out a different type of club membership software called I wanted to see if it would be a good fit for membership management for our club. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.


Posted By KC9THF read more

Thank You Terry & Gary!

Gary - Donna - Terry

Gary Hoehne, KB9AIT, and Terry Schilling, N9AOT, were recognized at the March General Membership meeting for their phenomenal support of the Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club. 2019 Ham Of The Year Donna Mendyke, KC9THF, presented plaques expressing our gratitude for Gary and Terry's support, both in their activity and continued stewardship. We wouldn't be the same club without you guys. Again, thank you.

Posted By WI9MMM read more


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