Field Day 2023

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Field Day 2023 is quickly coming. Field Day will be held the weekend of June 24th and 25th. This year we will hold FCARC Field Day at the Bay Lake Scouting Headquarters at 2555 Northern Road Appleton, WI 54912. We are very excited about this location being in the heart of the valley and of course at the scouting headquarters/store. This site gives us the opportunity to have indoor bathrooms, a meeting/shelter area in case of storms and an area for serving food if we so wish to.

We will be setting up antennas and some RVs on Friday June 23rd in the afternoon. Watch the website for more information about set up times. Field Day officially begins at 1:00 pm local time on Saturday. We plan on running a 2 Alpha Station with a GOTA stations for scouts or anyone not licensed wishing to get on the air. KB9AIT will also set up his satellite station, and we can have a VHF/UHF/ 6 Meter station. WA9TT is working on setting up CW contest style. If you would like to set up your station and portable antennas for Field Day, we will help you set that up as well. We will also be able to operate FT8, or RTTY for anyone who would like to try their hand working those modes. Field Day is a great time to learn how to operate and log during a contest. It is also a great opportunity to see how to operate with emergency power. Lastly, Field Day is fun to sit, visit and share amateur radio related stories with other hams that you may hear on the radio but never having a change to know.

Go on FCARC’s website to the Events button to sign up for this year’s Field Day. Wolf River Coils will be donating a raffle prize that will be given away at the end of Field Day for anyone participating. You must either operate a station or log for at least one hour to obtain a raffle ticket. Wolf River Coils will announce the prize when we return from Hamvention. If you work Field Day at the site, you do not need to be at the site when the raffle prize is draw.

If it’s been a few years since you have been out and operated Field Day now is the time to get back into it. Don’t wait, sign up now to work Field Day 2023.

Terry N9AOT


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