The Wisconsin QSO Party 2023

KB9LRD's picture

Amateur radio operators have always said, "We're prepared for a disaster by providing the community with a back-up communication platform that will always work". The Ham radio community has invested, maintained and practiced to provide a system that will work. We will get the message out, either through CW, Voice or Digital modes of communication.

This contest was partially designed for Emergency Preparedness in mind, challenging the skills of individuals and organizations as if it were a WWII era invasion. It would be the same today, during an Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) blast from above destroying our current communication system. Or simply a severe ice storm, a tornado, mud or snow landslide, earthquake or some other natural event that would cause communications in a wide area to no longer function.

The WQP is designed for Hams to practice this preparedness as if our repeater structure was damaged, and we all use simplex to communicate. It's not as easy, it takes a good tuned system, and a dedicated operator to get many contacts.

The 2023 WQP is Sunday March 12th, the contest begins at 1:00pm and ends at 8:00pm.

The WQP is a contact contest were both the "Individual" and a "Club" compete in an event. The individual submits points in the category competed in. Then those points are assigned to a club of choice (rules apply). This is your chance to compete with all the participating Wisconsin clubs for the FCARC.

I have many posts on Face book as a Public Document Format (PDF) for you to review or download and print for your use. Hopefully, I have provided you with enough information that this event will be successful for you, and therefore the FCARC.

We have a group 2023 WQP discussion set up for you to attend. We will discuss strategy, routes, bands, modes and other suggestions for your benefit.

Pierre Pizza
815 W. College Ave.
4:30 pm, February 25th

Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Please feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions.

Brian KB9LRD