Thank you for helping us reach our 2015 goal to purchase a Yaesu System Fusion repeater for the 443.650 system. We have purchased our new DR-1 repeater and we are on the list for shipment. We have exceeded our fundraising goal and the extra money will stay in an account for connecting our System Fusion repeaters to WIRES-X. This would connect our repeaters to other WIRES-X systems connected to the internet. This means you could talk to a ham in Chicago from our Appleton repeater or to any other ham in the world using WIRES-X. The long term goal for the FCARC’s System Fusion repeaters is using Wires X to connect to all System Fusion repeaters using WIRES-X. Any new donations will still go to our System Fusion fund for the WIRES-X upgrade. Lastly, thank you for your continued support of the FCARC and our projects, events, and goals.


Board of Directors